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日期:2006/03/31 08:47





氣聚丹田 - 丹田只屬肚臍下的一組肌肉。氣是不可以入肚的。經訓練後能夠適當地運用該組肌肉而均衡地控制肺部之氣量的輸送量(如强而有力的呼出或且细、長而幔慢等...)。




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Re: 氣聚丹田 ( No.41 )
日期:2006/04/23 18:38

Deleted by 大夫 (歡笑)

Re: 氣聚丹田 ( No.43 )
日期:2006/04/21 21:00

Hi Guys,

There are always differences with Chinese and English terms, when it come to translation. We cannot take them literally. e.g

How do we translate GOD? 上帝、神、主?
How do we translate 上帝 - HEAVENLY EMPOROR? 神 - FAIRY? 主 - MASTER?
How do we call DOCTOR? 醫生?博士?大夫? (大笑)

We are all very sensible people here. Otherwise, we would not spend our time reading this web page.

以上只是小女人or 婦人之見,幸勿介意。 (好!)

Re: 氣聚丹田 ( No.44 )
日期:2006/04/24 12:04

(Message deleted as per sam)

Re: 氣聚丹田 ( No.46 )
日期:2006/04/21 23:57



(表情6) (大笑) (大笑) (表情6) (大笑) (大笑)

Re: 氣聚丹田 ( No.47 )
日期:2006/04/22 00:16

please delete my response No.44 once dai fu replies to it.

It does not go down well with a lot of people.
(the real reason is that i usually charge a lot of money for information like that!! hehe)

Re: 氣聚丹田 ( No.48 )
日期:2006/04/22 00:50


Don't delete your message. I am and most open-minded people are with you. Some people just cannot take any citicism because they have blind faith. That's why we Chinese invented a saying :"Even the s--t smells fragrant". That's their business.

Just in case, Mr. Lap will delete your message #44, I am going to to save this $expensive$ piece of information for those who wants to read here. Hope this is ok with you.

The production of sound or voice by a human being involves many structures. These include the vocal cords (the larynx) , the mouth cavity (oral cavity and pharynx), the sinues etc..I do not know the intricacies of singing. SO this is it.

as to the very simple facts of respiration. there are mostly 2 types. The third type is a combination of the two.
One is diaphragmatic breathing...this is an autonomic function. In other words it happens by itself. The brain stem(part of brain) intiates this function. That is why we can breathe when sleeping. or unconscious people, drunk people etc. A basic function of life. We can override this e.g.holding our breath..eventually we have to breathe. We can take deep breath by increasing the amount of excusion of the diaphragm. It contracts and thus increase the volume for air entry into the chest(lungs). This pushes the abdominal contents downards and the abdomial wall forwards. Pressure in the 'stomach' transmit from the top to the bottom.

THEREFORE we feel pressure in the lower stomach. Chinese are very smart when come to observations. We can see many things. We feel this pressure in the lower abdomin.
Chinese are very stupid when comes to explaining things. We tend not want to discover why. We create theories out of thin air. IN time...5000 years the theories become truth, unrefutable truth. Even in the face of real truths. (more gripes from me)

Anyway we interpret this pressure in the lower abdomin as 'chi'. We give the lower abdomin as 'daan tin'. We give this spot a specioal, mystic value. We pass this 'fact' on from generations to generations....(more gripes).

TWO..the second type let's called as you said 'chest breathing'.....The best examples is when you run, when you go to hospital and watch someone after years of smoking. They need to breathe more than the normal amount. Using the diaphragm is not enough. SO we have to increas the rate and the volume of breathing. The rate is increased by breathing faster..easy. The volume is increased by making the diaphragm move further downwards as i described before. We also increease the volume of the chest cavity by using the other muscles to make the chest wider and bigger....muscles between the spare ribs (haha) called intercostal muscles (three layers) Muscles attaches to the top of chest wall and the collar bones . I won't bother you with the technical terms. If you go to run around quickly for 5 minutes I am sure you can sense what i mean.

There is also a combination of the two. In singing there are various theories. some breathe with shoulders moving, some fix the shoulders and move the abdomin. etc etc......these are the different ways of using these 2 basic types of breathing.

Re: 氣聚丹田 ( No.49 )
日期:2006/04/22 00:55



(大笑) (大笑)

Re: 氣聚丹田 ( No.50 )
日期:2006/04/22 01:29


我第一次选这个公仔来表达我的心情。你编 no.44, 我看了(唔使俾钱呱!),我觉得是普通常识,但讲得清楚明白。唔好删去啦,这里是个讨论的平台,你认为你的论点正确才贴出来吧;如果删去了,你话帖文唔接上唔接下,点读得明白呢?唔该你收回成命啦,好吗? (表情11)

Re: 氣聚丹田 ( No.51 )
日期:2006/04/22 08:12
留言者:Eliza Qu

Dear Sam,
I am impressed with your knowledge. Just out of curiosity. Is it possible to breathe using
intercostals alone without using the diaphragm? If so, then it will involve voluntary
suppression of diaphragm breathing and voluntary contraction of the intercostals muscle. That sounds likely a lot of work!

Eliza Qu

Re: 氣聚丹田 ( No.52 )
日期:2006/04/23 18:41

Dear Sam:
deleted by 大夫. (微笑)

Re: 氣聚丹田 ( No.53 )
日期:2006/04/22 16:35

Eliza Qu..you are right. and you can see that you cannot do that for too long before you get tired. That separate the gold from the silver and bronze medalists. please also read what 大夫writes

I cannot argue with what you said, which is so much more refined that my words. I understand what you are saying. I go any further would just be spltting hair.

Thankyou the many people your support and thank you also for the non-support. It creates colours in our lives to be able to look at things from different aspects, to discuss, to agree and to disagree with humour and respect.
If one cannot laugh at oneself, critical of oneslef and to change or to admit fault in the face of new found knowledge then that is the end of that person's progress. That is not musch difference from being vegetative.

Much knowledge, knowledge that is common to many countries, races, reproducable by any form of analytical processes has been shed in this instance. Hope all the genuine CHinese opera fans benefit somehow. And thank 大夫 for it.

Re: 氣聚丹田 ( No.54 )
日期:2006/04/23 21:36

thanks. It was fun talking to you. (微笑)

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