Re: 南唐殘夢 ( No.33 ) |
日期:2009/04/30 15:56 留言者:sam
just search on you tube with the song title please.
I have no idea why nam tong is so popular either. |
Re: 南唐殘夢 ( No.34 ) |
日期:2009/05/05 23:02 留言者:HAHA
Sam, 你有没有认真的去学这首歌??? 如果有的话, 在学的过程中, 你就能感受到此歌与以前的曲有何分别, 但要跟李丹红和郑培英版. 这首曲真的很好的啊!!!! |
Re: 南唐殘夢 ( No.36 ) |
日期:2009/05/06 11:49 留言者:大夫
People are also just hungry for any new songs. I don't think whether the writer is famous or not makes any difference. Most people don't know who wrote the songs anyway. |
Re: 南唐殘夢 ( No.37 ) |
日期:2009/05/07 14:11 留言者:丫頭
I trust because it is reasonably new (people like chasing for new songs to demonstrate their own ability, especially in the sector in question), and easily learnt. I watched Li Dang Hung and Cheng Pui Ying's video and found it unbearably slow and dragging! Li Dang Hung was, as usual, dragging everything too long in order to show her own performing skill, which I am not sure is good practice for every learner/singer.
I myself like the song too but not Li's version. I like the version that my teacher taught. The melody used are popular yet beautiful. |
Re: 南唐殘夢 ( No.38 ) |
日期:2009/05/07 17:50 留言者:PPK WONG
这首曲真的很好的啊!!!! 但 Why 要跟李丹红和郑培英版...............I agree it unbearably slow and dragging.................... |
Re: 南唐殘夢 ( No.40 ) |
日期:2010/04/01 12:17 留言者:PPK
(皇者風流唱今朝的dvd,南唐殘夢) 我去很多地方找過及去新光問過 ,回答是根本無出這DVD 只出過Show 而已,各位如知何處有得賣,請告之。 謝謝!
Re: 南唐殘夢 ( No.41 ) |
日期:2010/04/01 15:02 留言者:sam
yes there is. |
Re: 南唐殘夢 ( No.42 ) |
日期:2010/04/02 02:26 留言者:心
皇者風流唱今朝內的南唐殘夢,是廣東粵劇一團,文武生林家寶先生在前年,於香港沙大開個唱時,和蔣文端小姐演出所唱,聞道其DVD好像是給好友留念,不作公開發售。 |
Re: 南唐殘夢 ( No.43 ) |
日期:2010/04/03 09:22 留言者:duncan
請問在那個網址可以聽到林家寶及蔣文端唱的南唐殘夢片段呢? 可否告知? 謝!
Re: 南唐殘夢 ( No.44 ) |
日期:2010/04/03 13:15 留言者:Jolly
duncan 曲友,
我刚有林家寶及蔣文端唱的南唐殘夢片段file可與你分享. 請到貓箱收曲.
Jolly |
Re: 南唐殘夢 ( No.45 ) |
日期:2010/04/03 16:48 留言者:Yuet
Jolly 曲友可否email一份給我分享?
Yuet |
Re: 南唐殘夢 ( No.46 ) |
日期:2010/04/05 01:56 留言者:Jolly
Yuet 曲友,
請到貓箱收曲, Enjoy !!!! |