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日期:2004/12/07 21:57

裡面的板面,除梆子慢板外,其實都不算是板面。板面的定義是在唱梆簧前的一段引導性的旋律,例如二簧慢板的「士上合,六五六工尺工六工六工尺上,.....」,梆子慢板的「五生六,工六五生六反工尺上, .....」等等(當然實際情況複雜得多,而有些板面是非常長及極少用)。


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Re: 有關粵曲小字典的問題 ( No.4 )
日期:2004/12/23 16:47

人各其言, 要硬造一些名詞也不是不可以. 不過並不一定解決問題.
拋棄已有定義,通用的名稱而用上一些偏僻怪名詞, 只不過是以此迷人耳目以掩蓋自己學識淺薄之法而矣.
我不喜歡 [起式]一詞. 劍法拳術是有起式, 音樂是沒有這個叫法. 音樂有引子, 有序, 有板面, 有過門, 這已是很夠了.
ming 所說的字典上的問題並不是單方面的.
正確的南音板面是長序. 你列出來的多稱短序, 如果一定要稱之為短板面也不能說錯, 只能說是新名詞而矣. 板面是起板唱前的一段音樂, 有板腔句式上的要求, 一向都定義無異.
後來因戲台上時間關係. 每以板面後句一段作前奏給唱者一個音準, 這便形成了今天的所謂 短序, 而板面便成為長序的一種.
另一個問題比較複雜, 中板鑼鼓中的音樂,與一搥起尺尺工工, 無論是唱梆黃, 或是唱小曲, 都不是格式中有的. 這些音樂是可有可無, 所以是沒有名稱的. 但現在習以為常, 一搥後如不起尺工尺, 相信很多人都不會開口唱二黃, 心中還在笑音樂師傅出錯.

Re: 有關粵曲小字典的問題 ( No.5 )
日期:2004/12/24 00:51

大夫is correct here

when there is no real understanding of the music people become very inflexible.
That is when people say I can only sing this version or that version. Pointing out mistakes here and there when these are improvisation by other artists.

Add to all this is the tendency for CHinese culture to create phrases, labels, sayings ...etc "hau ho". Progress in teaching and learning and developments run at snail's pace. Result is that so many people after years of 'learning' their discussion still centre on keys, 板、叮、叮、叮...they never seem to graduate. every new song has to be taught like Peking Duck.....

Shut up sam

Re: 有關粵曲小字典的問題 ( No.6 )
日期:2005/01/13 13:16

I share Sam's feeling re. learners' attitude towards Cantonese opera.

Re: 有關粵曲小字典的問題 ( No.7 )
日期:2005/01/16 17:46

sam, 丫頭.
對不起, 恕我愚笨, 我看了你們所說, 卻不懂與題目有什麼關係? 也看不出你那裡回答了阿立所問.

Re: 有關粵曲小字典的問題 ( No.8 )
日期:2005/01/16 21:26

Sam:你好,我听说你是一个很好好人的乐师 (好!) (好!) (好!),你能打中文让我这英语盲在这一样能向你学习就好了 (表情11) (表情11)

Re: 有關粵曲小字典的問題 ( No.9 )
日期:2005/01/16 22:41

I apologise if 我們所說,的與題目不有什麼關係

我听说你是一个很好好人的乐师....hahaha, you were lied to again!!!!.
Once I find out how to type in CHinese we can chat. I am not that 好人. (表情12) (表情6)

Re: 有關粵曲小字典的問題 ( No.11 )
日期:2005/01/17 01:16


喂重欠我一張聖诞泳裝照片喎! (表情6) (大笑) (大笑)

Re: 有關粵曲小字典的問題 ( No.12 )
日期:2005/01/17 06:28

v and qq, better stopping these rumours about me. !!!!
a promise is a promise. I will get you that picture ga.

Re: 有關粵曲小字典的問題 ( No.13 )
日期:2005/01/17 18:40

I think I understand why we were taken not talking on the right subject. What Sam expressed is more philosophical while Ah Lap's topic, or we should say what they expect to hear, are practical. My apologies to all of you. I must admit that I am extremely green in Cantonese Opera and dare not comment on anything but do have the interest of reading others' comments/discussions, including philosophical and practical. After such a period of visiting this site I have had a rough idea on webpals' characteristics/styles. I guess everybody is free to express their feelings and the arena should not be refined to certain people's interest. 有時有感而發的comment/views 也是值得人反思和深省的. 並非一定要就題目作答才可發言. 不過此後小女子自當再三緘其口. 以免娛己愚人.

Re: 有關粵曲小字典的問題 ( No.14 )
日期:2005/01/17 20:44

(表情6) (表情12) (表情7)

Re: 有關粵曲小字典的問題 ( No.15 )
日期:2005/01/18 23:20

No apology needed.
I understand you said you are an experienced musician. I was hoping that you can provide comment and suggestion on this topic to help a-lap out in selecting a better name. I don't believe any non-musicians can comment on this topic, and out of all the musicians, maybe 50% will not have the knowledge either. cheers.

Re: 有關粵曲小字典的問題 ( No.16 )
日期:2005/01/18 23:52

Most people will need training to learn about web etiqutte. so please don't feel bad. There are three types of sites. chatroom, BBS, Log page.
A-lap's sites have not following that design but he tried. His 留言版 is really a log page for people leaving him remarks about the site, it has a characteristic that as new posts are put up, the old ones gets pushed back, with time, the old ones are lost which is fine, since all post do have a time element. It also has no topic element for indexing.
A-lap's 曲友討論區, 曲友求曲區 are BBS which are organized by topic, responses should be associated with the topic. Iin other BBS, if a post is a 灌水帖, it normally gets deleted by the site master. BBS topic has less a time element and people can follow the discussion without jumping around non-related posts.
Since A-lap do not have a BBS for 灌水 such as a 曲友交流區, most visitors also use the 留言版 for that purpose. That is his choice, it gives him more work since he has to read every post.
In this case, Sam could of selected which part he agrees with me, adds his comment and make a new topic in the BBS. I am sure there are other folks be happy to follow up on what he said.

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