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Converting to MP3
日期:2004/11/01 12:12

Hi Sam,

I am a new learner as I found out this website a few weeks ago. I read some of the e-mails
and not understand what is rm, wma, etc. When I start trying, it makes more sense to me

I have downloaded iTune and I can only see under Burning CD, you can choose the type
of CD to be used, like data CD, audio CD or MP3 CD. Is that mean they will convert the
file to MP3 if you choose this type while burning.

I went to my friend's house today and talked to her son. He told me he used Adobe Audition
to listen to all his music and did conversions. There are lots of programs out there that can be
used and you just stick to one to two, be familiar with them, and that would be enough.

The most wanted thing I like to learn is to record the songs I like from 電台粵曲欣賞,
電台粵劇欣賞, 電台粵曲精選 and 電台粵曲選錄 and I think I know how to do it, at least
saved it to wav file.

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Re: Converting to MP3 ( No.1 )
日期:2004/11/03 14:10

adobe audition is another program your friend's son bought.

There are lots of programs out there that can be
used and you just stick to one to two, be familiar with them, and that would be enough.........exactly as i said.

with itune...yopu do not choose the type of cd to be used. you choose the type od cd to MAKe. If you choose audio cd. then it makes a cd that you play as a normal cd. (not mp3, not wav, not anyhting but cd files...can only play with cd players).
choosing mp3 then you can play with a mp3 player but not a normal usual cd player.
Data disk is exactly as you have it.

the best for you now may be:
you learn to use jet audio...record and make wav files.
you then use itunes to import the wav files into itunes directory as mp3 files.
then you can do anything with these mp3 files....either play on your pc or make audio cd to play on normal cd players.

up to now you have done what you want already

Re: Converting to MP3 ( No.2 )
日期:2004/11/03 10:42

Sorry, you are right. It should be the type of CD to be made.

So far, I have enough program to do what I want. Appreciate your prompt response.

Re: Converting to MP3 ( No.3 )
日期:2004/11/03 14:11

Adobe Audition is not free and her son will buy you one for use.
I hope

Re: Converting to MP3 ( No.4 )
日期:2004/11/03 10:45

Sam, I took the sentence out. (大笑)

It is your turn now. (表情7)

Thank you.

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