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日期:2006/09/13 11:11


我個心就諗;而家d電腦咁先進又價錢合理,點解唔做一個資料庫貯存曲本,每個樂師前面放一個 LCD,換頁時由一個人跟隨唱曲速度控制,咁d樂師咪可以專心彈奏囉。

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Re: 一個遐想..... ( No.1 )
日期:2006/09/13 13:49

yayawoowewa 兄,

關於你提及的問題 --- 大概是去年吧,本身也是樂師的曲友 "大三巴" 兄,曾向小弟問及用 LCD 顯示多頁樂譜並逐行移動的方法,小弟曾寄給他一些簡單的 coding, 至於是否適用,就沒再進一步了解。但小弟深信,應該早已有個別樂社採取這種看譜方式的,說不定也存在了這種度身訂造的 "行業軟件"。兄以為然否?

Re: 一個遐想..... ( No.2 )
日期:2006/09/13 14:07


多謝賜教,小弟忽發奇想矣,至於是否己有曲社採用及己有"行業軟件"就真係"木宰羊"。不過,我覺得係好事囉,與時并進丫嘛。 (歡笑)

Re: 一個遐想..... ( No.3 )
日期:2006/09/13 17:53

其實係好事,事關有 d 樂師上咗年紀,有老花,睇曲譜(雖然有盞燈仔)有困難...


Re: 一個遐想..... ( No.4 )
日期:2006/09/13 17:59

咁又話時話,好似唔多覺係管弦樂隊用呢個方法喎。不過粵曲曲譜無論邊種樂器都係用同一個曲譜,但係管弦樂不同樂器d曲譜好似係有點不同,所以不能用這個方法罷,有冇高人可以指教下咁呢? (表情11)

Re: 一個遐想..... ( No.5 )
日期:2006/09/13 19:24

i have used my laptop for this purpose for the last 3 years. Works especially well. But i need to get a swivel based lcd to show my 123 scores as they are in portrait format. The lcd, inparticularly the 19 or 20 inches ones now getting very affordable, magnify the pages too.

To convert this to suit a whole band is very very easy....provided the initial outlay of money is avilable.
One computer is enough. Then as many lcd as one wants. as one says...粵曲曲譜無論邊種樂器都係用同一個曲譜.

can record at the same time and make cd immediately

fantastic for teaching and self learning.......

Re: 一個遐想..... ( No.6 )
日期:2006/09/13 20:09


I haven't try it but feel that this is a good idea. I suppose by using the pdf format would be easier. I am not sure whether you've tried that one. This is also my feeling that only 1 computer can do the job well. And now the LCD price is quite reasonable and I think most of the 曲社 can affort. The only issue to consider is whether they are willing to make the change. (微笑)

Re: 一個遐想..... ( No.7 )
日期:2006/09/13 22:35

there are many ways to do it.

of course there are other problems.
you cannot pass the lcd around easily for others to read, not like the sheets. But then you can project the words onto a screen for everyone to read
Under some lighting conditions and some angles you cannot read lcd well. Ordinary CRT monitors are bulky.
Need sturdy stands for the lcd mons and then more cables lying around
Need someone change pages.
Need some work before you can use it on the pc. but then you can duplicate them easily. With paper score you need to photocopy them, can be expensive in some places.

as you said are the oldies ready for the change

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