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日期:2004/08/23 21:08

sam 哥﹐ 丫頭﹐ KK 兄 .

可 否 在 網 主 這 裡 的 粵 曲大笪地﹐ 聽 到 你 們 的 歌 聲 嗎 ﹖

00Q (微笑)

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Re: 粵 曲大笪地 ( No.2 )
日期:2004/08/12 10:51

sam 哥﹐

Why! (大哭)

跟 你 數 次 對 話 ﹐ 你 好 有 親 切 感 ﹐只 想 多 一 份
印 象 ﹐ 很 想 聽 聽 你 歌 聲 ﹐所 以 冒 昧 請 教﹐ 別 無 他 意 。
正 如 上 文 我 已 說 了﹐ 我 是 牛奶 嘴一 名 ﹐ 所 以 我 很 喜 歡
聽 聽 別 人 的 演 譯 ﹗ 請 別 怪 。 (微笑)

Re: 網主感言 ( No.3 )
日期:2004/08/12 10:21


I am also only a very junior learner and dare not expose myself at this site. Perhaps you did not catch my earlier messages indicating that I did not even know the "ding baan's". Thanks for asking. How about yours?

Re: 粵 曲大笪地 ( No.4 )
日期:2004/08/12 10:50

丫頭 ,
I have almost same situation like yours. remember I said myself 牛奶 嘴.
also, my respiratory allergies bother me a lot, I am thinking to study
the 粵 曲 instrument instead of singing. (大哭)

So﹗ the best 示 範 is Sam 哥﹐ right! (拍掌)

Re: 粵 曲大笪地 ( No.5 )
日期:2004/08/12 19:33

You two are clazy, clazy!!.

seriously i am sure i would be the best singer in the world if i have the right voice for it. The range of my voice is lower than the average men. I cannot reach the usual highest notes and cannot get down to the lowest one if I sing an octave lower. I really do not sing unless singing just for fun. Then I sound like a buffalo. (I was told I looked like one too (大哭)) (表情12)

That is why I insist on people getting two basic things right , the timing perfect and not sing out of tune . I insist on these two requirements because these are the only things i can do. Not to sing out of tune to me is an inborn thing. Getting the timing right needs inborn sense of rythm and also knowing how to read the score (basic knowledge or rudiments of music).

then you have to learn how to sing in a pleasant way. To combine breathing and the presence of the voice together to make you sound nice to the ear. No more 牛奶 嘴 la.

then if you can add the professional touch, you start to perform as though you are the characters. Now you can sing, you can sing nicely, you can also sell the song(not comercially)....you are there la sifu.

I cannot sing in a pleasant way and I cannot act. No singer la. I am a musician (self taught mostly). I do not like being called a sifu becasue I am not that good in my skill and I do not want that 'superior' feeling. This feeling fails a lot of people.

I only joined my school western orchestra when young, mucking around with various instruments. Then when I am old I took 10 guzheng lessons from 'Miss so hau zheng' . That is my only formal training ......until last year when i had 1 lesson in erhu.........

That is my life story. Now I am the 'baat daap' for couple of clubs here. Saxophone is my main instrument.

I am glad you 'dare not expose myself at this site'......not a nice thing to do. You may get arrested.

playing instruemtns is the same as singing, believe me.
A lot of musician sifu who cannot even play properly. SOme teach for fun but some still charge money.
I have been involved with opera here for 3 years. I have heard of many mnay many people learning instruemnts, especially dai yuen and yeung kam. SO far no new music sifu had 'graduated' to the 'jamming' level.
Playing instruemnts is just as difficult as singing. Needs the same kind of acuity and same kind of learning effort.

But i guarantee you. If you learn to play , you will find that your singng becomes easier and more interesting. They compliment each other. Look at Chan Ling Yuk, Leung Hong Wai, Leung Pui Yee etc........

So.......................GO LEARN.
Remember......have fun

"No one else is responsible for the above comment.......except me. Blame me." (閉嘴)

Re: 粵 曲大笪地 ( No.6 )
日期:2004/08/13 04:27

sam 哥 ,
多 謝 你 的 良 言 美 意﹐ 學 樂 器 是我 小 時 候 心 願。
在 音 樂 社 未 到 自己 唱 的 時 候 ﹐ 我 希 望 有 份 參 與。
就 算 有 朝 學 成 (狂笑)﹐ 我 也 不 會 收 費﹐ 因 為 一 旦
收 費﹐ 便 要 對 唱 口 及 其 他 樂 師 負 責。壓 力 好 大。 (喜悅)
you said : “I am glad you 'dare not expose myself at this site'......not a nice thing to do. You may get arrested.”
sam 哥﹐ 在 這 裡 expose 又 有 何 問 題 呢﹖ 我 覺 得 這 裡 是 個 樂 園 ﹐
每 人 都 是 沒 有 等 級 的﹐當 然網 主 是 隨 外(因 這 是 他 的 網 頁 (狂笑)
雖 然 大 家 暢 所 欲 談 ﹐ 但 彼 此 都 不 認 識﹐ 又 見 不 到 大 家 表 情 ﹐
無 論 你 有 錢 或 美 麗與 否﹐ 都 不 重 要﹐ 只 著 重 思 想 和 內 心 行 為。
但 無 論 如 何﹐ 都 好 多 謝 你 的 表 白 及 鼓 勵。
電 網 之 發 明﹐ 真 是 做 福 天 下。 (拍掌)
我 好羨 慕 你 識 玩 各 種 樂 器﹐由 其 是 Saxophone。(因 為 我 唔 夠 氣 ) (好!)

Re: 粵 曲大笪地 ( No.7 )
日期:2004/08/13 08:32

hehe, i mean that kind of exposing that can get people arrested............. (大笑) (歡笑) (微笑) (大笑) (微笑) (歡笑)

Re: 網主感言 ( No.8 )
日期:2004/08/13 09:29


I also have been WANTING to learn violin for many many years but did not have the bravity to try because my fingers are not forceful enough to press the strings (I tried to learn Guitar but failed because of that). What you said AGAIN (because you once spent your previous time to explain to me in an much earlier message) was exactly all those who learn Chinese opera should observe! And those are what I set for my own goal and I also think if I succeed in achieving those I will succeed in being a good singer.

qq is really cute!

Re: 粵 曲大笪地 ( No.9 )
日期:2004/08/13 14:05

Playing is the same as singing. Playing involves 'perfect' timing. The score can varies and have much more freedom to be different in Chinese opera. Playing involves playing loud and quiet passages. Good playing also plays from the heart, with emotions much as singing does. All in all the
only difference is that singing creates voices and playing creates music. Both are as expressive as the other.

If you failed in guitar, may be plucking string instruments are not for you. Can try others.

you said 無 論 你 有 錢 或 美 麗與 否﹐ 都 不 重 要........thank you thank you!!!!!!

Re: 粵 曲大笪地 ( No.10 )
日期:2004/08/13 15:37

Sam 哥,

The sentense is talking about the general, that is not to you or myself or
丫頭 小妹 妹。 (大喊)
In fact, we are very lucky, 在 地 球 上有 很 多 人 都 很 悲 慘 的。
其 他 打 仗 的 地 方 唔 講 了﹐ 就 我 們 中 國 (四 川﹐ 雲 南﹐ 甘 肅﹐etc.。 。 。 )
比 較 偏 遠 的 地 方, 就 有 很 多 生 活 在 貧 窮 線 低 下 了。 (憂愁)

丫頭 小妹 妹 you are v.v.v.v.v.v.v.v.v CUTE and beautifull too.
Oh﹗ plus Sam 哥 too. (表情7)

多 謝 網主 借 此 網 站 讓 我 們 講 餐 飽 ﹗ (大笑)

Re: 粵 曲大笪地 ( No.11 )
日期:2004/08/13 18:55

don't you worry at all. I read through your words. (表情6) (表情12)

Re: 粵 曲大笪地 ( No.12 )
日期:2004/08/14 03:56

其实吹 saxophone 并不用很多气,同唱歌差不多。最主要的是有正确的方法及技巧,有好师傅指導当然最好。

Re: 粵 曲大笪地 ( No.13 )
日期:2004/08/16 16:04

你 好 ﹐ 很 多 謝 你 的 回 應 ﹐ 我 是 很 有 興 趣學 中 國 樂 器 ﹐
但 不 知 為 什 麼 (也 許 怕 )﹐ 總 是 對 吹 口 的 樂 器 不 感 興 趣。
也 許 是 怕 面 皮 和 嘴 巴 鬆 弛 吧。 (大笑)

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