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日期:2006/04/18 21:36


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Re: 請告訴有關:-崔妙芝之資料 ( No.1 )
日期:2006/04/19 04:57

She is a very low profile artist. She does not show in the public. She started to sing in 1956 until 1963. After that, she sang two albums in Cantonese songs in late 60s or early 20s. Now she lives in Toronto and teaches at her condo as a volunteer....continuing singing very well in pure "fong " hon.

Re: 請告訴有關:-崔妙芝之資料 ( No.2 )
日期:2006/04/20 17:43

michael :

Thankyou very much for your information about Miss Chui Miu-chi. It is treasure and detail. I am pleased to know she is still as the teacher of Cantonese Operatic Song and keeps on singing. It is the most regrettable that Miss Chui stayed and appeared at the front line of Cantonese Operatic Song society just in a short period. We wish her a good luck and good health.

Re: 請告訴有關:-崔妙芝之資料 ( No.3 )
日期:2006/04/22 03:48


She is an odd as an artist. She does not like to appear in public. I always called her as a vinyl album artist. She is a real person...does not like to attch to $$$. If you know her and ask her singing techniques, she will share with you without asking you to give her any favors. She is one of my respected person in my life. I occasionally have a chance to listen to her singings. She still sings pure "Fong hon" with deeper singing techniques (cheong gun)

Re: 請告訴有關:-崔妙芝之資料 ( No.4 )
日期:2006/04/22 22:01


我剛在鄰帖与你打招呼。 (微笑)
你是Toronto 住吧?你很幸運,可以聽崔小姐唱曲。
他說崔小姐是" 極品"。That says everything!!

Re: 請告訴有關:-崔妙芝之資料 ( No.5 )
日期:2006/04/25 04:17

I will

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