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日期:2004/08/10 13:39

Ah Ming,

你是否住New York?


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Re: 趙式瑧老先生 ( No.1 )
日期:2004/07/30 11:48


No, I live in New Jersey. I don't know Master Chu. He's over 90 years old. He still very healthy.

He play " Yee-Woo" when Law kar-Ying came to New York and gave him at visit.

Master Chu now living at the Nursing Home. My friend lend me one of his song book.

Please provide your fax Number. I can fax the index of the song book to you.

I don't know he still had the stock or not. I could ask around. I let you know soon I can find out the answer.


Re: 趙式瑧老先生 ( No.3 )
日期:2004/07/30 23:53

Hi Kent, this is Henry from NY. I sold you a Beuscher C mel a few years ago on eBay, remember?
I saw 趙式瑧老先生 about 4 months ago in NY's Gouverneur Hospital (nursing home) while visiting my father. He was in decent health at that time, still kind of remember me. I have not went back there since my father's passing so I can't tell you how he is now.
I don't have his 他當年手寫油印板的曲集 but I know someone has all of them. Tell me which ones you need and I'll try to get it or at least make a copy for you.
(歡笑) (歡笑)

Re: 趙式瑧老先生 ( No.8 )
日期:2004/08/02 12:45

Kent, thanks for asking. My father was 80. He had suffered from dialysis for 12 years. We hated to see him go but its better for him not to suffer any more. Most people lives 3-4 years with dialysis and he lived a lot longer with his Tai Chi background.
I haven't played the gold platted VI for a while now although Peter would lend it to me for major performances. My SA Series II sounds pretty good with the 4* Link. How much you paid for your VIs? Is the Chu gold brushed or burnished gold? 1500 sound high. Send me a pic. I should've sold you my gold Chu.
I come here quite often, almost every day. I have the same e-mail addy. Send me the covers and I'll do the best to find the missing ones. Please don't make the pic sizes too big.
Oh yea, I am the guy the made the computer song sheets you mentioned in one of your earlier posts. (好!)

Re: 趙式瑧老先生 ( No.10 )
日期:2004/08/02 22:53

Its not the same person. His name is Peter Lee, lives in Brooklyn. He has a mint 99% lacquer VI alto and the gold platte VI which he won't sell. My friend in NJ is a repairman, the best dent man I know. His name is Ken Danchase who owns no Mark Vis.

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