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日期:2006/01/27 09:05

good topic to discuss. I concur with most of what ahlap said.

若不是做戲,只是站在臺上唱,何苦硬要背曲呢. Agree.
有曲不看,演出甩曲,是自作孳. agree

But 我覺得背曲是否代表著什麼認真不認真的問題似乎不太重要. um.......

背曲無疑是代表著對演出的一份尊重與認真. I would say 尊重 is a very important point. If they really really 尊重 then many many of those performing shoudl really not perform in public at all.
By saying that they are only having fun is a poor excuse for showing off their vanity. I am talking about especially those who are simply bad, out of tune and out of rythm, no musical sense. This musical sense is a very important innate thing to becoming a good singer.

At present opera fans are just as bad if not worse than 'american idols'. A mixture of good, bad and non singers.

Rather rgarding only pure singing, 背曲 or not really makes little diference to the listener.......as long as the performance is credible.

背, 背, 背, have we not had enopugh of 背after so many years at school??

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Re: 應否背曲? ( No.1 )
日期:2006/01/27 15:00


如您之命題, 其實已經說明背曲是須要及必要的.

當然做戲要背, 即便清唱也應該背, 如您所說之內容背曲的好處已經十分詳盡.

至於不好的地方, 是否人之常情, 貪多好勝. 一晚跑數局, 心未定, 氣猶喘, 即使已背, 都只餘3-4分, 又如何發揮唱情呢 ??

個人認為反覆的練習, 熟能生巧, 在基礎上增強節奏掌握, 音準都有好處.

Re: 應否背曲? ( No.2 )
日期:2006/01/30 12:18

我認為其寶一首曲若是不斷的反覆操綀. 到演出時曲詞差不多都很熟了. 需不需要拿曲紙看著唱.

我個人認為演出時曲本可以打開拿著. (以備不時之需). 唱時不看. 音樂或鑼鼓過序時眼角才描一下由詞不防.

至於在台上誰會願意出醜. 不過, 若果你不試試, 你怎.知你原來可以背的呢! 當然, 操由畤就背曲. 到正式濱出. 自然得應手啦!!

Re: 應否背曲? ( No.3 )
日期:2006/02/05 19:26


Re: 應否背曲? ( No.4 )
日期:2006/02/26 18:44
留言者:Sunny Lau


Re: 應否背曲? ( No.5 )
日期:2006/02/06 18:43

sam 兄,
如 Sunny 兄 所言習唱日久自然要背曲為佳,很多歌友都會用丹田唱歌,不過很少人留意到下丹田運氣,中丹田運情,上丹田運神的演繹,如不能背曲,關目面容

Re: 應否背曲? ( No.6 )
日期:2006/02/06 20:31

dear Sunny,
I completely agree with you.
I was talking about the amateur opera enthusiasts when discussing this topic.
As for the rpofessionals I essentially have no argument with what you said. Except I guess for a professional who is engaged in short notice to sing a song that he or she is not used to sing. The choices then are not to take the job or to sing with lyrics in the hands. It is a bit much to ask them to learn the lyrics in a short time. Believe me i have seen Vcd in which some famous professionals just mouthing away the whole songs.!!!

As for '業餘習曲者初踏台板要顧曲演出,無可厚非'. I have stated my view on this. Do not perform in public until one is competent to sing.....in tune and timing, the basic requirements of singing.

dear 劉B
造手俱難以發揮,站在台上看著曲本唱只如操曲,我情願闔上眼睛聽中西樂好過........i am a turncoat, i do not believe in such thing as 丹田.

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