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日期:2005/05/23 14:47


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Re: 喜歡唱鑼鼓曲 ( No.1 )
日期:2005/05/24 21:28


咁你係吾係好識鑼鼓呀? (表情4) (表情4) (表情4)

Re: 喜歡唱鑼鼓曲 ( No.2 )
日期:2005/05/25 10:16

唔係,係d鑼鼓師傅講既。唔使攻擊我。 (大哭)

Re: 喜歡唱鑼鼓曲 ( No.3 )
日期:2005/05/25 18:39


敢係人都經過牛奶咀地歩 ga la ! 又駛乜敢樣話人呀!

Re: 喜歡唱鑼鼓曲 ( No.4 )
日期:2005/05/27 06:13


Re: 喜歡唱鑼鼓曲 ( No.5 )
日期:2005/05/28 00:52


鑼鼓曲 not easy to sing.
Singer learn it from the mistake they had made.

If someone had told the singer that 三批過後才大叫「你殺我啦」are wrong. I am sure he or she will

say that line correctly next time. Did any one tell him/ her ?

Re: 喜歡唱鑼鼓曲 ( No.6 )
日期:2005/05/28 08:45


You said "唔識粵曲都知佢亂黎".

I am the one who 唔識粵曲. However, I dont know whats wrong with 三批過後才大叫「你殺我啦」and how they 亂黎.

Did the 鑼鼓師傅 tell you whats right? Did they say why its wrong?

I believe that you should know the answer before you post the above. May you please let us know whats wrong with 三批過後才大叫「你殺我啦」and how to sing this part correctly?

Thank you.

Re: 喜歡唱鑼鼓曲 ( No.7 )
日期:2005/05/28 09:46

Not really your fault

係d鑼鼓師傅講既......in this case may be 鑼鼓師傅 should play by themselves or play with only top class performers.

it is a bit silly to agree with them though

it is also impossible to determine which song has too much and which has too little 鑼鼓. A song is a song. And as was said we are all amateurs and I am sure the 鑼鼓師傅 themselves must not be born with all the knowledge and skill they have now.

Let's leave it at that?

Re: 喜歡唱鑼鼓曲 ( No.8 )
日期:2005/06/01 05:40
留言者:Amateur II

Amateur, looks like here no one wants to share either.

Re: 喜歡唱鑼鼓曲 ( No.9 )
日期:2005/06/01 10:14
留言者:Amateur III

My 三批 way to the best of my memory as observed from
the karaoke is as follows (correct me if I am wrong):

After first 批
大叫「你殺我啦」+ two-finger pointing to one side (mine is to my left first)

After second 批
大叫「你殺我啦」+ two-finger pointing to the other side (mine is to my right)

After third 批
大叫「你殺我啦」+ two-finger pointing to (mine is to the left)

(沉思) (沉思) (沉思) (沉思)

Re: 喜歡唱鑼鼓曲 ( No.10 )
日期:2005/06/04 04:52


Please listen the 鑼鼓曲, such as "Buk-Lone Qwong". You'll know when to say those lines.

Re: 喜歡唱鑼鼓曲 ( No.11 )
日期:2005/06/14 05:42
留言者:Amateur II

Amateur III - Thanks. Normally, the see fu's only praise the singers after they finish, even though the singers messed up totally, because of job security.

Re: 喜歡唱鑼鼓曲 ( No.12 )
日期:2005/06/14 18:04
留言者:Amateur III

No worries! I couldn't agree with you more. However, this is a two-way thing - a lot of singers are rude and impolite too. It is something to do with our culture in general. BTW, for people like me who are keen to learn may find the karaoke, tapes, CD etc helpful to certain extent. By comparing with the song manuscript, it is possible for the amateur singers to correct or to polish their singing skills. It is one way of learning new skills - self-directed learning. Good luck. (微笑) (微笑) (微笑) (微笑)

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