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How to save a song
日期:2005/02/17 12:10
留言者:R. Chiu

Please show me how to save a song in the computer then I can burn a disc from the Real Player.

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Re: How to save a song ( No.1 )
日期:2005/02/17 13:17

Hi R,
I might be able to help, but first could you elaborate on your question? for example where is the song right now or where is it coming from? and are you running windows or linux?

Re: How to save a song ( No.2 )
日期:2005/02/20 08:50
留言者:R. Chiu


Thanks for your response. I was playing a song from the RTHK in the computer. I really want to save it in the computer(Windows XP) so as to burn a CD from it. When the song was playing through the Real Media, it couldn't allow me to save a copy in Windows. Please show me how to get it done.

I look forward to hearing from you.

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